1,6 limilimithara Hex terata letlooeng bakeng siling likoloi bumper, 350g / m2 habeli sotha terata

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

16 Gauge 1-mesh ke letlooa le leng le boima le sebelisitsoeng ho aha makhotla a Paddle Tennis. Hape ke mokhanni ea khabane ea lokelang ho sebelisoa lisiling tsa ho palama likoloi tse ngata. E tiisitsoe haholo kamora ho loha (GAW), letlooeng lena le tsoelang pele le sothehileng le tla nka lilemo. Kamora ho loha terata ea 16 gauge 1-mesh hexagonal netting terata e ineloa ka mafome a bolulo ea zinc e qhibilihisitsoeng.

Product Qaqileng

Lihlahisoa tsa Product

Tlhaloso e qaqileng ea Sehlahisoa
Lintho tse bonahalang: Q195 Low k'habone Steel terata Mofuta oa Galvanized: Galvanized Ka mor'a ho loha, GAW
Lekola: 16 Kala X 1-1 / 2 "X 72" X 180 " Kopo: Lekhotla la Paddle
Tekanyo ea Zinc: 250g / SQM Mofuta oa ho sotha: Tsoelang pele sotha, Triple sotha
Leseli le Phahameng:

terata hexagonal


terata ea hex

1.6mm hex terata bakeng sa siling ea likoloi tse ngata, 350g / m2 habeli sotha terata

Mohala oa terata Letlooeng Size Bophara X Length Phekolo ea bokaholimo
1,6 limilimithara 41 limilimithara 2 limithara X 50 limithara Galvanized mora ho loha

Grid ena e boima e mahetla a mahetla e boima e holimolimo ea marang-rang a palameng likoloi tse ngata. E boetse e tsejoa e lePaddle Tennis terata kapa Terata Tennis terata, e etsoa ho fihlela litlhoko tse thata tsa makhotla a tennis. Meqolo e 'meli ea 180 e tla etsa lekhotla le le leng. Ntle le ho hohela marang-rang bakeng sa makhotla a tennis.

Ke terata e sothehileng habeli e etsang hore e khethehe haholo.

1.6 mm Hex Wire Mesh for ceiling of bumper cars , 350g/m2 double twist wire 0

Ha terata ea tenese ea paddle e se terata e tloaelehileng ea hex e koahelang letlooeng lena. Ka kopo ikopanye le rona bakeng sa tlhaiso-leseling e batsi.

1.6 mm Hex Wire Mesh for ceiling of bumper cars , 350g/m2 double twist wire 1

  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Ngola molaetsa oa hau mona ebe u o romella ho rona